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{Life Lately: Weekend}

This weekend was a great one. One for the books.

Hard and frustrating (toddler nap tantrums and house hunting) but incredibly amazing. Time with my sweet girl, my incredible man and the best family I could ask for. (We missed you nino Nathan and Tia Annik!)

We started off the weekend at the Stoneham Zoo's Bunny Bonanza, and although the Easter Bunny ws heading out to lunch when we got there (during prime naptime may I add!!!) we still had a great time seeing some animals and sitting on his chair!

Z woke up to the easter bunnies goodies and was so flipping excited! She sure made this easter special! All she kept saying was "hop hop" and "oooohh". We filled the eggs with cheese bunnies and oatmeal crackers which she was thrilled over.

And my mom and sister made her another incredible basket, mainly filled with all her favorite snack; new spring clothes, hats (the girl loves hats!!) and she was in heaven opening them up before lunch.

She is just getting so darn big and I feel like I need sit still more and just enjoy. Because sometimes we get so caught up in planning, paying attention to other folks and things being perfect that we forget to cherish and soak in the simple moments. Watching her with my family and her dadda fills my soul with all sorts of good things.

Trying my best to remember all the amazingness of this weekend as we approach a daunting to- do list in the next two weeks; hopefully it's enough fuel!!!

Hope you all had a great weekend and that you enjoyed time withloved ones.



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