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{Crafting with the Littles}


I am over the snow days. Like, totally OVER IT! Another foot (and still coming down) here in Boston so schedule's are off and I've found myself unable to come up for air. O hasn't been feeling great which keeps my usual back-up on the bench, so finding things to keep a 14 month old entertained has been high on the to-do list.

After seeing how much Z enjoyed her paint & play class I thought she would be ready for a little V-Day crafting. Ok, she is a bit young for crafts but I am game for anything that gives me an excuse to shop for art supplies! Plus it's a great way to make something special for the grandma's and for her dadda.

Who says that the babies that go to daycare should be the only ones to get the best momento's!!

(be prepared for a pic heavy post!)

Definitely a messier craft but I just let her have fun and goodness she was so proud of her work! (excuse the mess but let's be real no time to tidy up with a non-napping-home-bound toddler).

I put down some butcher paper to try and contain some of the mess and used non-toxic, washable paint (you can also make your own with baby food and foodcoloring) because let's be honest some of it will end up in the little ones mouth.

Best part were her giggles!!! She totally enjoyed it (almost as much as me!). Totally not rocket science and I have pinned many crafts on my V-Day board but thought I'd share what's kept us busy this weekend!


paper plates (the sturdier the plate the more it will hold up as a frame)

tissue paper, pom poms or

non-toxic, washable paint (we used this kind) and brushes (you can choose what to decorate with!)

non-toxic glue/ glue stick

a piece of construction paper


a picture for each frame

sheet or butcher paper to contain the mess

old shirt or leave the babe in a diaper

wipes or wet towels help with clean up (or pain in hair type situations)


Fold the plate and cut out a heart;

Allow the babe to paint the heart frame;

If you are using tissue paper to decorate, cover in glue with glue stick and let the babe place the paper around the frame and same for the pom poms;

Trace the plate on the construction paper and cut it out;

Secure pic onto the middle of the round construction paper with glue/glue stick/staples;

Staple frame onto construction paper.

Hope you all have a chance to enjoy some crafting with your littles!



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