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{Bebe: Footed Fashion with Freshly Picked}



One of my goals for 2015 blog wise is to include more bebe fashion. I have been having a ball dressing my little mini-me and have gotten some emails/questions on where and how I go about shopping for our little.

Most of it is convenience. The stuff that washes well, is comfortable and doesn't break the bank (they grow out of it so quickly!). And honestly it has to be cute too! I have my list of the usuals, but for shoes I have found myself always going back to the adorbs Freshly Picked moccs.

One, they are friggen adorable. Two, they stay on!!!! Three, they are soft soled and comfy. Four, did you see how cute they are?! We have been wearing them for a while but after sharing Susan's, the founder of Freshly Picked, story I am an even bigger fan of the brand.

Something about the wonderful elastic makes them soooo easy to put on and stay on, so much so that even the mister is a total fan! They not only have a wonderful selection of colors and patterns but they are working hard at keeping it super fresh and up to date. I seriously want a new pair every week... Don't worry O, I'll keep this order to a size bigger!

And when Susan and her team at Freshly Picked sent over this camo moccs to review I just about died. We all know my obsession with all things camo!! And now that they make crib moccs, I could just about scream. Definitely the top baby shower gift on my list!

Oh and make sure and follow them on Instagram and Facebook for there awesome sales!



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