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{Hey Hey New Year, How You Doing?}


A new year is a total new begining. A fresh start. At least it feels that way. We are decluttering, organizing and making big plans over here in the Casa de Rowe and it all makes me giddy.

I am totally one of those people that just feels refreshed after the holidays. I know that may change when the mister goes back to work on Monday.... But right now it's just the begining and anything is possible.

2014 was about learning how to be a family of three and this year I want to concentrate on making the most out of every day with this family of mine.

Here are a few of my 2015 goals.


Get organized everywhere.

Finish projects that I've started.

Get my DIY on.

Declutter everywhere.


Keep writing.

Keep to my schedule.

Dress more for me and document it.

Meet more bloggers.

Partner with great brands.

Keep highlighting 'Mamas that Rock!'.


Take more time for me, hey hey yoga I miss you!

Do something creative.

Journal more, letters to Zoe , on the blog and just for me.

Get out and run.

Self care at least 1 x a day.

Get to bed earlier.

My family

Make time for date nights out of the house.

Take cooking classes.

Get to that bucket list of experiences.


First up, declutter and organize so we can have our weekends back to enjoy! Do you make resolutions or goals? Care to share?



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