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{On The Side: Sneaky Mashed Potatoes}


Continuing this series of shaking up my usual sides with recipes that are just as easy but will impress everyone. Sticking with potatoes again this time, I thought I'd give another take on a family favorite, the mashed potato.


I am not a big fan of mashed potatoes. They aren't gross; I just prefer my taters in a different form, preferably fried or roasted. But the mister, my stepdaughter and little Z are HUGE fans, so I had to try and sneak a little veggie in there... Full disclosure, O knew something was up but he is the pickiest of my eaters in the veggie department, so give them a try and report back!


Head of cauliflower (trim the stems off)

6 yukon potatoes (organic ones from stoppy are pretty great during the winter)

1 package of organic andouie sausage (turkey or chicken for us)

1 tbsp of olive oil for the pan

course salt and fresh ground black pepper

2 - 3 tbsp of unsalted butter

1 tbsp of milk


Brown the sausage on both sides medium heat in a heavy pot. About 7 - 10 minutes.

Wash and cut the potatoes in 4.

Add potatoes and cover for 10 - 15 minutes. Stir everything up every few minutes so it doesn't burn. (all depends on the size of the potatoes)

You want to be able to put a fork in the potatoes but not to easily)

Add cauliflower and finish cooking. 12 - 15 minutes.

Uncover and let cook for 5 minutes.

Remove sausage and set aside for an appetizer or another meal.

Add potatoes, cauliflower, butter, milk, salt and pepper to a blender.

Blend to desired texture.

I reheated them hours after making them in the microwave and they tasted just as great, so it will be one of the sides I make ahead when we host on Thursday! I had been hoping to share a few other recipes before the holiday but it didn't happen, so I am thinking it may be a series I continue… Especially since I am trying to keep myself out of the same ol’ same ol’ rut. Any sides you make on a regular that you can recommend? Or that you'd like me to remix a bit? Please share!

Hope you all have a short week ahead with plans to spend some quality time with those you love because that is what it's about my friends. Trying to remind myself that!!



On the Side Series:


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