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{Mamas that Rock: Elizoebeth Jensen of Elizoebeth Jensen Jewelry}

Elizoebeth Jensen is this months "Mamas that Rocks", a regular series that will give you the low down on some pretty amazing women that are doing it all on top of being mamas. They inspire me and I hope that by sharing their stories, they inspire you to follow that dream and have it all. She is a stunning, talented and business savvy, hands-on mama who also manages to find the time to blog!

The Elizoebeth Jensen Jewelry line is everything I look for in jewelry-classic, beautiful and can easily be worn every day. She also designs custom pieces that she has shown on Instagram and all I can say is WOW (and putting that on my X-Mas list!).

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Her humble and honest interview made me admire her even more! Lucky to have her in my circle of IG mamas and can’t wait to one day (soon I hope) share a bottle of wine.

What is your daughter’s name? How old is she?

My daughter’s name is Isabel and she just turned two.

Tell me how was Elizoebeth Jensen Jewelry born?

Following the birth of my daughter in 2012, I decided to resign from my career in Management Consulting, to raise my daughter at home (a huge priority for our family) and focus on my two great passions: design and entrepreneurship. This was the formal beginning of Elizoebeth Jensen Jewelry. I had always designed jewelry on the side as a creative outlet for an otherwise very taxing career. The thought of taking jewelry design from a hobby to business was simultaneously thrilling and extremely scary. I had spent years working for Fortune 500 companies, but for some reason, the thought of starting my own business seemed insurmountable. I put together a business plan, start-up funds, hired a graphic designer for my branding, built a website all while developing the first Collection. And I have never looked back! Entrepreneurship has been so incredibly fulfilling. I am thankful every day for the people I have met along the way and the incredible women / mom entrepreneurs who have blazed the path before me!

Where are you located?

Denver, Colorado

Where can we find you (social media pages, website, store)? and @elizoebethjensen on Instagram and Twitter

I know you must have a full plate but what do you like to do in your free time?

Since my business is also my passion and hobby in life, it’s definitely difficult to pull myself away when I have a few free moments. Though it is necessary to keep a fresh perspective. I love to read, particularly about entrepreneurship and design. In the summer months I keep a pretty big, unruly garden. Which means I spend weekends thinking up new recipes for all the produce. I also love the outdoors and living in Colorado we take full advantage of the gorgeous hikes all over the country and in the winter months, head up to the mountains for a little skiing.

Tell me about your experience on being a mama? Everything you imagined?

Being a mama has changed my life in pretty much every aspect imaginable. Motherhood has made me a more grounded person and connected me with the aspects of life that are truly important. It has also deepened my friendships, particularly those who are mothers themselves.

Best & Worse advice you got as a new mama?

Best – Soak up every moment with your newborn, those early days are so fleeting!

Worst – Make a lot of noise when your child is sleeping so they’ll become accustomed to a noisy household. I don’t and have never had a noisy household. When Isabel goes down to nap, I go to my office to work. Which isn’t a noisy task. I say, live life as you are used to living it, make adjustments here and there. And enjoy having a little new person in your life! Each mama does it differently, find your way and stick to it.

What do you wish someone had told you about being a mom?

I wish I had known how much it would affect me emotionally. I was so busy preparing the nursery for the baby, that I didn’t take any time to prepare myself mentally and emotionally. When my daughter was first born, I spent the first few months getting used to her and not sleeping at night but also working through a lot of emotions that are indicative of the body’s hormones balancing out post-natal.

How would you describe your style?

Classic and contemporary with a bit of California chic thrown in on occasion, just to keep it interesting!

Go-to outfit for an important meeting? How about every day?

As a busy mom and entrepreneur, I keep it as streamlined as possible: AG Jeans, a jersey Tee, Randall Loeffler flats, and a J Crew sweater for Autumn. To this, I layer on my favorite pieces from my collection. The personalized Crest Necklace with my daughter’ monogram, studs, and the florette ring. If I’m headed to a client meeting, I switch out my daily uniform with a nice silk shirt, blazer, and suede wedges.

Favorite date night?

My husband laughs at this, but it’s dinner at a neighborhood eatery with some excellent wine, then back home to watch a movie!

Advice for the mama that has an idea and wants to go for it?

Absolutely go for it! Starting a business is an unbelievable amount of work. It can feel completely overwhelming. But there are so many wonderful women out there who have likely started a venture similar to what you are considering – reach out and talk to anyone who returns your calls! Educate yourself on the market, your particular niche, put together the broad strokes of your business model, make sure you have enough capital to get through the first year. And make it happen!

Tell me the big secret, how do you balance it all?

All mothers struggle for this elusive thing called “balance.” Though I’ve recently come to think that it’s less about balance and more about happiness. Happiness is the indicator by which I measure my work and family life.

If my daughter is doing well and thriving, my marriage is strong and healthy, and my business is heading in the general trajectory I had planned – then I am happy. This may mean that things get out of balance, but I am okay with that. Life is imperfect.

Life is messy. I’d rather get in there and try to do something amazing (and sometimes amazingly hard) at the cost of a little balance, rather than wait on the sidelines for fear of upsetting the status quo.


You are so right E, if you are happy you are doing something right, and the moment the happiness fades in any part of your life is when it’s time to change things. LOVE this reflection on balance.

Make sure and check out her line and let me know what your favorite is. I can happily share with your hubby! Hehehe.

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