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{Dishes: Red Pepper Basil Cod}


First, how the heck is it Labor Day weekend already? I just can't believe our summer has slipped by so quickly. We spent the week enjoying the outdoors, play dates and trying to get Miss Z back to her napping schedule! And I am looking forward to a long weekend with friends and family. I may even do some baking!

Second, this dish. Is one of those dishes that screams summer.

I don't make seafood very often because O is not a fan, which means I usually end up making two different meals, no time for that with bebe following me around. But I'm on the mission to create some simple dishes that Zoe and I can share (when she starts eating fish!), hoping that she isn't allergic or I am screwed.

This red pepper basil cod has simple, clean flavors, is tasty and very easy. But the best part is that it doesn't taste easy. I used basil from my garden and red peppers from the farmerss market. The fresher the better. I topped our tacos with the mixture last week and will be trying it with grilled chicken or skirt steak this weekend. Oh goodness how I am going to miss summer.


I am already kicking myself for not writing down how I made the potato puree (aka mashed potatoes} since my mashed potato loving man said they were probably the best he's ever had. I promise you I will be recipe testing and coming back to these. Promise.

The key to this dish is the red pepper basil marinade. Freeze in ice trays ( and place in a ziploc) for future or store in an airtight container and use within the week for best taste.

So here it is, a super duper simple weekday dish that doesn't look or taste like a weekday meal.


2 red peppers

large handful off washed and trimed basil

4 tbsp of minced roasted garlic

tbsp olive oil

2 pounds of cod

sea salt and fresh ground pepper to season


For the marinade, chop basil, red pepper, garlic and 2tbsp olive oil in food processor.

Season the cod fillets with sea salt and pepper.

Coat fish with 3 tbsp of marinade.

In a large nonstick skillet, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Cook the fish over moderately high heat, turning once, until golden on the outside and white throughout, about 10 minutes total.

Transfer the cod to plates and top with some of the marinade.

Serve with grilled veggies or potatoe puree (recipe coming soon) or even for tacos (like I did with the leftovers).

Serves 4

I am all about the simple delicious meal. To make it even easier, prep and marinade the fish the night before.

Hope you all have a fabulous long weekend planned!



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