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{Savoring the Last of Summer with Mustela}


I honestly can't believe that summer is really almost coming to an end!! Don't get me wrong I love Fall but Summer is my jamn. Plus after Fall comes Winter and well we all know how I feel about that… We will be spending the next few weeks savoring every ounce of summer that is left - so I was thrilled when Mustela sent over some products for us to try while we enjoyed the last bits of summer.

I've never really been a stickler about sunscreen until I became a mom, now I am am the sunscreen police. No really ask my family, reapplying every hour or so, if we are outside because a hat and umbrella are just not enough. We have tried a few different products but hadn't found anything I loved. Both California Baby and Honest are great but on the greasy side, and Z has such sensitive skin that she'd break out.

So I was happy to try the Mustela sunscreen, which went on smoothly, not greasy and although it's on the thick side it's easy to rub in; which is key in the 1 minute that I have before Zoe starts wiggling all of the place! I like to apply at it at the house before dressing her for our walk to the park and then again an hour later when we are about to eat lunch.



The facial cleansing cloths are my favorite way to wipe down a sticky face and hands after she eats because we all know how messy that can be. Oh and they work to remove make-up too!

One thing I had never really thought about was an After Sun Spray, this stuff is incredible. I've used it on the both of us before heading home from whatever adventure we are on {usually a park picnic} and it's very light and soothing on the skin plus it smells great, not 'chemically' like some after sun stuff out there. I like to massage it onto Z's arms and legs to help her unwind before the ride home.


I've been very selective with what I put on my skin {because of my psoriasis and Zoe's very sensitive skin} so to keep it easy I'll usually use whatever I put on Z. That is why finding a brand that is bébé friendly was music to my ears.

I've found myself taking a little me time with the Post Partum Body Restructuring Gel during her morning nap and at the end of the day. A product that firms and refines post-partum skin and I can read all of the ingredients! (anything with ingredients you cannot pronounce are a no-no for a nursing mama!)

Although the Stretch Marks Oil is for expecting mamas, I have been applying it to my "war wounds" {doesn't hurt, right?!} and I absolutely love how it's not greasy. I can easily slip on my pi's or clothes without worrying it will ruin anything. And the plus is that it smells lovely. I'll report back in a month to see how they both work!

Using these products twice a day for the past week was a good reminder that although my tiny human takes up most of my time and energy, I still have to take time to care for myself. Even if it is for a few minutes. I was a fan of Mustela while preggo and even more-so now!

Thanks to Mustela for sponsoring this post!

This post is sponsored by Mustela but all opinions are my own.

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