We have been really loving our science kits. I mean what kid doesn't love an array of ingredients, some tools and time to just tinker around, aka time and space to make a little mess. It's the number one requested activity by my kiddos and I really love having a little chunk of time to get one or two things off my to-do list, and yes the mess legit gives me chills but I have learned in this last year that allowing them the space and time to get messy is so good for all of us.
Our rules are simple:
- Children involved will help with clean up ( and this may not be mamas level of clean up which I accept).
- If little humans are fighting I put it all away. This is meant for fun and for mama to have time to get things done and I remind them of this (and all rules as I set up).
- Mama puts out ingredients and tools, children are not to ask for anything else after mama sits down. You get what you get and yes you can get upset but that is not going to change my mind. ( they love white vinegar, baking soda, flour, water, food coloring, salt, corn starch, and oil. Tools are from this set, and sometimes bowls, spoons and a whisk. I pick a few of each depending on how much time they have but never all at the same time, and please note that the girls are 4 and 7 and I never leave them alone doing this).
- None of this goes in your mouth or it's grounds for removal of activity.
That is pretty much it. They have seen us do a few experiments, and they even have cards showing other ones but they have the most fun with no direction (other than do not eat it!)
Now here are 20 more indoor winter activities that you can keep on the fridge for a trick up your sleeve. Pick one or two out of the list a week and surprise your kiddos, or let them pick something!
1. Make Play Doh (we love this recipe but there are so many on Pinterest)
2. Day time baths with color tablets, toys (like these bath pipes, or stickies) bath bombs or even shaving cream! I cannot tell you how much work I have gotten done for clients from my bathroom floor while girls played!
3. Get active indoors. Obstacle courses, these stones, this set looks awesome and want it for our next playroom, sit and spin, a tunnel. All things you may already have but if you leave them out in your living room the night before it will be like a new toy. Bonus points if you create an actual course with these said objects..
4. Play with snow.
Paint the snow
How to make snow paint here
Or other ways to play with snow in a jar.
5. Indoor car wash or baby doll baths with plastic bins/soap, brushes, shaving cream and hand towels. So much fun! my girls love both!
6. Indoor Sensory play i have pinned a bunch!
This blog has so many ideas
We use a big sheet underneath or if you have a plastic table cloth and some towels under each plastic bin!
We love this running water sink, THE BEST gift to give that kids will play with for years.
7. Freezing toys for the bath or even in a plastic container like this, let them use tools, water or salt to rescue the toys! Doing this this week with the girls!
Water sensory play
8. Let your kids build a rocket or car or anything with a box and art supplies! I have a whole Pinterest board of crafts with recycled materials!
9. Scavenger hunt
Love this color one
10. Snow storm in a jar. Fun science experiment like this one
11. Balloon tennis
12. Make a treat!
13. Or this bread in a bag looks fun for kids of all ages because baking is always a god choice in our house. can be messy but there is so much that goes on, science, sensory, reading recipes, taste and my girls try so much more when they are involved in making it.
14. Snow slime
15. Play Doh bake shop! We all make our own "baked goodies" but pretty much the girls do this all the time, I sometimes sit at the dining room table with them when I feel like
16. Jewelry Store or any store in general. They can create things, set up a store, either make or use play money, create tags and shop at each others stores. It was a favorite for me and my sister. I love this bead set for the big kids, this set of connecting beads Ami got a couple years ago and they both love (easy for toddler fingers) and this set is cute for younger kids who are ready to bead.
17. Then there is a bouncy house.... Oh gosh I have been wanting one for the girls for days we need to get our wiggles out. It's not cheap but from what I hear it lasts! (or a trampoline that fits inside... lol)
18. Zoom play date! Or read aloud from a family member? I am going to do a whole post on things you can set up for kiddos that don't do great on zoom but want to see friends/family next week, but the possibilities are endless, you can play Guess Who, read to each other, send a friend some play doh, do a show and tell. All things that yes are on a screen but interactive/social.
19. An invitation to play. This is another category I could write a whole post on but there is something special about setting up water colors or blocks, or magnet tiles or a puzzle, lighting candles, setting out a snack and letting the kids get engrossed in just being together with an activity. I sometimes even set out a bunch of the recycled paper (you know the cut up pieces or one scribble and down pages of paper that we keep in a bin) with crafts supplies/tools, light a candle and dim the lights, turn on a little music or a book on tape and the girls will create, no direction, no expectations of creating anything perfect, a huge old mess and lots of giggles. It's my favorite anytime activity.
20. Build a fort, load with pillows and blankets, then add flashlights and a bunch of books. We have two of these sets and it is so fun to create different designs!
I am so excited that I took the time to get this post up, so many of you have been asking for ideas and I love a place to send folks too. Please do forward to someone that may enjoy this or any of my content, your shares mean the world to me as I continue to grow this space.
Do you have any favorite indoor winter activities? Please email me and I will add them!
