Halloween will be very different for us. With it just being to high risk for us, so we will be hosting our mom's and my sister for a little Halloween bach, costumes a MUST. And honestly there are so many great ways to make sure that Halloween is not canceled. Including some really fun activities to do this weekend and all the days leading up to Halloween weekend. And since you all wanted to see some these I have planned for the week, then I thought I'd share here.
1. Sensory Bins are always fun, this jack-o-lantern one is so good
2. Going to do this witch's potion for the girls.
3. The girls love picking up sticks on our walks so I may set this up for Ami this witch's broom week!
4. Pumpkin volcanos! Something fun to do with all the mini pumpkins we are using as decor.
5. Build a spider playdoh activity is a great quiet time activity.
8. Giant TP Mummy, Ami is obsessed with a glue stick so this one would be awesome for her, we buy rolls of this paper and it's awesome for so many things.
9. My girls are very into experiments and these all look so fun, much better than eating all the candy, lol!
11. This little handprint haunted house with a paper plate is just perfect.
12. Toilet paper monsters! We save all of ours for crafting.
13. If you have little beading fanatics like I do, this one with pipe cleaners is a great one.
14. Pasta skeleton craft looks so cute, love anything I can print and let the girls do solo.
15. Also loving this pasta pumpkin, painting the pasta and then glueing, perfect for the toddlers.
I also have this Pinterest board with so many other favorites!
Here are a few snack ideas that look fun and we will for sure be making a little treat and cheese platters on Halloween at our house. And another post on costumes here, Fall books & Halloween books, and allergy friendly treats. Also, make sure and take a trip to the dollar store, dollar spot in Target and craft store sale sections for supplies that can be interchanged for lots of crafts, sensory bins etc. Stale rice? little bits of pasta left in 10 bags? All of it can be saved up and used. And even better if you keep all of the accessories organized and store for next year with your Halloween decor.