We started our morning baskets this week and while I was planning on which small crafts that the girls can do on their own (you can see more on morning baskets and their checklist here) I saw so many great ones. So of course I had to share some with you, here are eleven simple ideas to have up your sleeve this month.
I am probably only going to have 2-3 directed crafts like the ones below, and leave the rest as open invitations to create (more on that here). For these crafts I plan on just giving them the supplies for them, some inspiration by printing out a picture of the craft and then just letting them go with their own version.
Nail Painting Salon, this one is easy peasy and can be done with nontoxic nail polish or water color paint or even markers.
Hand Butterfly Puppets, love that you can use toilet paper rolls and another hand tracing activity. Add any accessories that they would like to decorate.
Popsicle Stick Unicorn (I would print out a picture and put out all of the supplies to make a few of these)
Paper Plate Snail, this one is fun they can glue gems, tissue, foam stickers whatever you want to put our to decorate the snails.
Yarn Wrapped Monsters, this one is fun!
Big Beautiful Cardboard Birds, Since we spent the Spring learning about birds I thought this would be fun! I would cut out pieces, leave out ribbon, fabric, craft accessories and leave out some inspo for them to make one. (this cardboard castle and these cardboard insects look amazing too!)
Phone Number Craft - I want the girls to learn O's number so we are going to do this one too.
Car tracks with washi tape & paper tunnels.
I love these fun "junk" necklaces! Love to reuse recycled materials and anything goes here, going to pick up some yarn this week so the girls can make these.
Have you started planning your morning baskets yet? If so, please tag me I'd love to see! I know this type of activity isn't for everyone but for those of us working at home with kiddos this summer and past summers we know how hard it can be to keep them off screens and entertained so I hope this whole series really helps!