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10 Ways I Fit Self Care In My Day

Let’s talk about self care. Two words tossed around A LOT, and for good reason because that whole “you cannot pour from an empty cup” is the TRUTH. What I have learned is that creating a routine for that self care and making it a part of my daily life is important the key to making it happen. Here are some ways to make it happen for you.

  1. Wake before the house. Now this means I am up at 5am and that may not be for everyone, especially if you have little ones still waking up at night. This time is mine and since I am pretty much not alone any other time through the day I cherish it.

  2. Small rituals. That lemon water, sip of coffee, afternoon latte or tea, cooking dinner; I put in ear pods, I listen to something, I sip or do things slowly, I try and smile, relax my face allow myself (even for just a few minutes) to literally feel lighter/happier.

  3. Nightly detox bath. I just posted a reel on this but this detoxifying, hot water, candle and alone is one of my favorite forms of self care. It’s for JUST ME. (I use this epsom salt and this baking soda see my post here)

  4. Get outside. This is usually accompanied by the girls but feeling actual fresh air, hopefully with some sunshine feeds my soul and makes us all feel better.

  5. Meditate. This can be for 45 minutes or 5. And if you are looking to be happier, more present, and calmer then this is a must. I use the Melissa Wood Health app for this!

  6. Move my body. A workout, a stretch, a yoga or pilates video. This time does not only benefit my health but it also gives me time to really work out any big emotions or feelings!

  7. Taking time to plate and eat a meal. A fancy glass for my bubbly water, plate my easy salad, enjoying a chapter of my current book. Even if its for 10 minutes or dinner after bedtime this always lifts my mood and feels like I romanticizing a moment for myself.

  8. Set boundaries. I use to be a use queen and then feel insanely overwhelmed in trying to do it all. But now I shoot out no’s with no apologies, my life is full to the brim and the things I say yes to have to bring me joy. Other ways I set boundaries: silence my phone parts of the day and at bedtime, no notifications on my phone for social media or emails, have me time every day, ask for help when I need it.

  9. Create a must-do list. One that is separate from my never ending to do list. This allows me to prioritize my daily tasks And not have things pile up for last minute.

  10. Do one thing that brings me joy every day. Talk to a friend, watch my favorite movie, use a fancy facial oil, use my sauna blanket or neck massage


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