I am so so so lucky to have a group of mama friends that I can swap around ideas on how to supplement virtual school. I especially love these ideas for summer, traveling or weekends. Our girls really just don't do great with too much screen time, they become little over stimulated monsters and Ami won't even watch longer than a movie (as she shouldn't at three!) so I like to keep a list of ideas.
I don't force the idea of art or craft time but like to leave out coloring books, or art supplies so that they are inspired to create and then when I see them sitting I throw on a podcast or book or music.
Podcasts have always been a favorite for the car or just lounging. These are all really engaging and perfect for when I need them to play independently.
A friend sent this debate one for kids over to me a few weeks ago and OMG we are obsessed.
But Why A Podcast for Curious Kids
Shirt & Curly is a fast-paced fun-filled ethics podcast for kids and their parents, with questions and ideas to really get you thinking.
Story Nory An online treasure-trove of free audio stories. You can listen to a mixture of original stories, fairy tales, and specially adapted myths and histories.
What IF Every two weeks, the creative host of this podcast takes questions from kids and spins them into an entertaining tale. What If Clouds Were Made of Cotton Candy?orWhat If Magic Didn’t Exist?
In the kitchen at least one a day, they help with dinner but also letting them pick recipes to try!
Audio Books are a way I can keep them both engaged, they color or paint or build while we listen. I've slowly started increasing the time with Ami but Zoe and I can listen forever!
We just started Charlotte's Web (which I Was reading in NYC to the girls, so we got the audible version)
And of the Roald Dahl are so fun to listen too!
The Secret Garden is next on our list!
Stuart Little is also on our list!
We have been adding more book series For Zoe to read on her own.
Magic Tree House ( we are almost through this series and LOVE)
Weird School Series ( so silly and engaging she keeps rereading the ones she has so we need to order more!)
Dory Phantasmagory (another fun and engaging one she loved!)
This is it for now but I promise to follow up this post with some other fun things that don't fall under these categories! And remember that not having it all planned is ok, taking a break is ok, just simply letting them be bored is ok, over planning is ok, being the craft mom is ok, whatever you choose to help your child have fun and stay engaged during these difficult times is OK. You got this.