Having a newly 6 year old means I have been eyeing (and have a few ) of these! Fun little list to put together.
2. Fashion Plates are absolutely perfect for my drawing obsessed girl.
3. Polly Pocket Set is so much fun.
4. We saw these blocks all over Switzerland and I am obsessed.
5. Zoe got this Light Up Tracing Pad for her birthday and she is obsessed.
6. Zoe also got this bag to design and she is obsessed.
8. Science Experiment Kit is one of our favorite play date activity.
9. Lego Chain Reactions is a great gift for any little builder.
10.Hot Wheels Track is great for your car obsessed kiddo.
11. This STEM Toy is great for your math loving little. Zoe is gaining so much confidence in math and now loving it, so I am thinking about this gift!
12. This Jewelry making kit is one of the girls favorite things to do, much better for older girls but I help Ami so they both can do it.
15 This Mongoose Scooter has great reviews and to be honest it looks pretty dang cool.
16. I am not a lover of anything that is like fighting but this oldie but a goodie game seems something that would keep things entertained, #winning.
17. Stomp Rocket Stunt Game, fun for the whole family with something like this. I feel like it could be something city parents could pack up to the park for endless fun.
18. This marble run is one of Zoe & Dada's fav solo time activities.
20. I love the idea of getting kids started with coding early, this coding robot looks amazing, great reviews and a GREAT "big" gift.
Please share with anyone shopping for this age group and add any great gifts in the comments!