Guyssssss, want to know what is worse than a #threenager, a threenager with long tangly hair at bedtime. It is by far the worse EVER.
Zoe's hair is the most tangliest hair ever. Actually mine is too and don't tell her but I hate brushing mine too. She has the prettiest loose curls when we let it air dry and beautiful waves If I blow dry it with a flat brush. But GF puts up a FIGHT when I brush it out. I actually cringe when I think about having to bush it out in the mornings and before bed.
In comes the yummy smelling, non toxic 'So Cozy' products. They reached out for us to try the line (which is now available at Target) and I instantly fell in love. Not only are the ingredients in line with keeping yucky things off of my girls bodies, they also use natural ingredients to get the line smelling delicious. I mean like tropical island, imagine myself on a beach drinking a mai tai delicious.

We tried out the curl line, it left her pretty curls super clean, soft and with no frizz. But what I fell head over heels in love with is the detangler. GUYYYYSSSSS this stuff works like magic. Like magical awesomeness in a bottle that allows mama to detangle with nooooo tears.
So all of you mamas that share my pain must drop everything and go buy it nowwwww.
We love our Wet brush but I also saw that they sell a detangling brush online! I am looking forward to trying the swim line for the summer pool days :) and not looking forward to needing the Boo lice line but you know I'll be keeping that in the linen closet for when she starts school in the Fall... Do you think it's appropriate if I gift it to all the kids in her class.... lol jk. well maybe jk.

Ami's double chinnnnnnnn kills me :) love these two so much. blurry but soon good.

I mean check out the curls! After rinsing out the shampoo, I left the conditioner on while she played in the tub. And then used the detangler to brush it out. It does not weigh down the hair or leave it greasy looking. Seriously everything I have been looking for for her hair and let's be honest, mine too.
I plan on using the styling foam for her ballet bun too. Oh and for those of you with super sensitive babes, they have a whole set of products for you too. Check them out here!
This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own and I appreciate all of you supporting the brands that make this blog possible.