Happy Monday!
Do you remember this post where I showed my favorite Fall floral dresses? Well I am back again because I've bought a couple that I will be wearing all season long. And I got a few questions on how to style them so I reverted to Pinterest to show you how I will be/would style them!
Floral Dresses - Option 1 (under $100) // Option 2 (splurged on this one but it's sold out) // Option 3 (Amazon under $30!))
Leather Moto Jacket - Option 1 (under $100 ) // Option 2 (splurge, want!) // Option 3 (Amazon)
Sneakers - Option 1 (I just got and love) // Option 2 (under $100) // Option 3 to match the girls! (Amazon)
Over the Knee Boots - Option 1 (under $100) // Option 2 (splurge ones I am saving for!) // Option 3 (Amazon)
(really love these biker booties for feminine dresses! )
Plaid blazer - Option 1 (under $100) // Option 2 (splurged on this one) // Option 3 (Amazon, some sizes for $35! )
I am hopefully getting back to shooting some looks soon and I can't wait. Living in NYC definitely has me a little more motivated to actually get dressed!
Happy week!