TGIF my darlings!
This week so fast yet so slowly filled with meltdowns that I honestly woke up feeling like it was Saturday! Oyyy, like with a toddler shall do that to you! Now onto this delicous and perfect for Friday post.
There are three times that are quiet during the day, before the babe wakes, while she naps and after her 7'ish bedtime. Each my favorite for a different reason (helloooo bedtime wine time!) But my pick is before the day has started.
The babe is asleep, I still have energy, haven't looked at email, I get a few moments to myself. sometimes to clear last nights dishes, (but let's be honest that happens at naptime or right before the hubby gets home...
Gotta love that deep sink!!) I know a big mug of hot coffee is coming.
Sometimes, most times actually. I sit in her playroom, which is evidentally well-used; with toys all over and sit in the quiet of another day ahead of me. It's a little me time that I cherish.
So when Vega Coffee reached out for me to try there coffee I jumped right on it.
I grew up in a household of espresso is the only coffee, no milk just some sugar.
And wierdly with crusty bread to dip in it. Although I skip the bread, I still like my coffee black, sweet and aromatic. This stuff did not dissapoint.

The story is what attracted me but the aroma and taste is what hooked me.
Vega provides specialty #FarmerRoasted coffee subscriptions shipped straight from the source, directly to your door (ummm hello the gift that keeps on giving!). Unlike any other coffee brand out there, they promote gender inclusion at every step of our supply chain, and over 90% of our farmer-roasters are women.
Because these beans are #farmerroasted and bypassing up to 20 intermediaries, farmers earn 4x more income by roasting their coffee, think of what this means to those families futures and thier crops.
Nicaragua is just the start -- Vega's mission is to open roasting centers in every coffee growing region in the world. I love what this represents, the change that this is initiating, that and the quality of this coffee makes this mama so happy to share it with all of you.
And read so much more here.
I am all about the quick (and delicious) Nespresso but when I get a little time to myself I like to indulge in a freshly ground, french press cafesito. It may only be 30 minutes of solitude and quiet but as a mama I will take what I can get!
I picked the dark roast, whole beans to grind at home (but coarse grinds are best for the french press!). For a subscription of $15 month I can have incredible coffee at my doorstep (you can pick it to be delivered every 2 or 4 weeks, depending on how many cups a day) or better yet, gift that to a new mama or coffee lover in my life! #winning
I also like the idea of an office subscription as a gift to your team!
Please check them out, let them know Natalie at Chic Boston Mama sent you and be sure to tell me what you think!!!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend planned, we'll be getting our tree and celebrating our girl who is TWO tomorrow!!! Be prepared for some major flooding of b-day pics!
Cowl Neck Sweater // V-Neck Sweater Dress // Red Off the Shoulder Sweater // High Waist Faux Leather Leggings // Hue Faux Leather Leggings
** Although this is a sponsored post all opinions are my own, I try to be brutally honest and onl partner with brands that I completely love, especially when it comes to coffee!