Hey hey,
Mama is finally back in action, with a whole lot of content (and a refreshed currently vacationing brain). Finally starting a series I have been dying to dive into, a semi-regular series that spotlights local gems. All types of companies, brands, locations that I love and want to share with you. First up, Peach.
A couple months ago the lovely (and now fast friend) Trish of Peach reached out to me about a bra company that would change how I looked in clothes.
And if any of you are like me you would number one, welcome her and her measuring tape with open arms but number two, be a tad skeptical at the same time. With my top drawer being filled with bras that fit eehhhh ok but not great and ever changing tatas (from pregnancy, to breast feeding, to post pregnancy weight loss) I am always open for a suggestion or two in that department.

In comes a company with a completely fresh approach to bra measurement, they use a 10-point measuring system (getting a whole picture of your upper body – not just two parts!) and doing it in the privacy of your home (in-person or virtual!). Allowing you to leave the bad taste in your mouth of a big box retailer experience behind and walk away with beautiful intimates and basics that you don't only love but fit.
As a mama who nursed a babe for 18 months I will tell you that these "ladies" are not what they once were but slipping into my bra (that came in the mail a couple days after my fitting) was truly a bra-ha moment. I mean, they are where they are suppose to be + the bra cost less than $100! #winning ----- People, I have not stopped talking about this bra.

My three absolute favorites:
This high impact multi-way sports bra - can't express how much I love this. So supportive, comfortable and no chaffing from the material. But the fit, my loves the fit is what keeps me the happiest.
The bralette - this is what I wear at home most days and even to sleep. Comfortable, cute, and even perfect for you expecting and nursing mamas.
And these. omg these long boy-shorts are my go to under any dress, thigh stickage no more. And for the days I am brave enough to wear a shorter dress with a toddler, these save my butt!

Ok, so that is 4 favorites which honestly was wayyyy hard. because this jacket I have basically worn at least 3 x a week since I purchased it. And these tanks and silky tops. omg. yeah yeah, too many favorites.

Interested? Email her at tgcarey11@yahoo.com to set up an appt with the incredible Trish (virtual or even in-person if you are local!) Want to learn more, check out the site here. I may may may just have to do a little giveaway on the blog.
Now who is ready for a bra that fits??!?!?
Happy to be back to blogging and getting to finally share this gem and hoping to keep up this local gem series.
Full disclosure: This post was sponsored by Peach but I carefully choose brands that I love to share with my readers.