Hey mamas,
New week is here and I am determined to turn this mood around!
Let's talk about self care. Because I feel like this is how you can turn things around.
Life has been really hard this last year, first with my little Ami's hip issues, the worry of the unknown, the constant crying and cluster feeding to most recently some health issues and finally a diagnosis for our Ami (I promise to talk about this soon) reminded us that we need to really be present in today. In these moments. We need to live, feel, taste, enjoy, sit, snuggle, kiss, hold, rock and really just be. Which is insanely possible for me.
Another thing the last few months have taught me is the importance to check in with myself. As a mama, we give, give, give, give and even when it feels like nothing is left in the tank we give some more. It is f'ing worth it. It is. But I have learned that if you don't fill that tank regularly you will burn out. And there will be nothing to give. All that is left is half assness, frustration over silly things and tears. So many tears.
So here I am telling you, take the time to meditate (this podcast was recommended and I love it), get that massage, take your morning walks, or get up before the crew and enjoy one hot cup of coffee alone which is my favorite. Write in your journal. Call your bestie. Cry. Take that stroll around Target and buy a few things you don't need.
Whatever filling your tank may be, make time for it and do it regularly. A couple weeks ago, out of the blue my mama friends and I had a spontaneous drink date. A couple hours of chatting about our girls! lol We really tried to stray away from talking about our babies but it kept coming back to the little humans that brought us together. I walked away with a pep in my step. A much needed moment of me time. No one asking for water, catching sippy cups, cutting food or to be picked up, no one nursing and for a little bit I was just me and my gf's sitting at a restaurant on a Thursday night (and seriously wondering how the heck so many people were out!) .
Another way I make sure I get a break daily Is that I have Zoe take her quiet time in her room now, while Ami takes her second nap. This allows me to work on this little blog, work on my growing Beautycounter gig and sometimes to simply sip that Diet Coke in quiet. I also take this time to start dinner, alone and a podcast or my book on tape.
I also make sure I talk things out, the hubby is great for this but my mom, sister and besties are also ones I lean on when I need to just say everything I am feeling out loud without being judged. I feel like I have someone for different things. Whatever it is I am saying or saying to, having a sounding board is key.
I love buying flowers, the hubby has taken over the grocery detail during these winter months and he always brings home whatever is on sale and spreading them through out the house just makes me happy. Especially during these gloomy winter days. I do need to get myself into a flower arranging class!
Diffusing oils. Citrus fresh, lemon, lime, grapefruit, ylang ylang, gentle baby, stress away and lavender. All some of my favorite things to do diffuse. I have become a hoarder of diffusers and my collection/obsession of oils has really helped with my self care. One of my favorite things is turning on my diffuser in my bedroom before the girls bedtime routine, and then after they are down my room becomes my little sanctuary.
Skin Care Routine. This is how I know I am getting old... lol but taking the time to take care of my skin, put on a face mask, sip my wine, slather my face with oils and my favorite over night mask is EVERYTHING. Not only am I investing in my body but it's probably my favorite part of the evening.
I'd love to hear what you do for self care, comment below or comment on my last IG post! Cheers to doing this whole mama thing together, because there is NO WAY we could do this alone.