(these incredible photos below are from my shoot with WILDBIRD ring sling, which was a dream come true.)
Hey hey mamas, another weekend gone too too too fast.
I was suppose to keep these posts to Mama Mondays but gosh the day just got away. This week we have a big appointment with Amani (which I am sure is why I am not sleeping well) and hoping to get good news on blood work or at least a plan (more on that, when I can get my thoughts together on the last 4 months). Just need to keep her healthy one more week and pray she doesn't have a fever the day of the appointment. You guys this little angel baby cannot catch a break!!!! But mama is staying positive and praying like no ones business.
One thing I have learned in the last 4 years ( but especially since the baby was born) about this whole motherhood thing is WE CANNOT DO IT ALONE. Can't be done you guys. It truly takes a village.

Having baby number two magnified this point in a way I could never ever explain. The meals, the hugs, the encouraging texts and calls, the playdates, pouring the glass of wine and taking me out for the first time after baby. From mamas in my Instagram village, to family and friends I've met at mama classes. These women near and far have made it possible for me to get through the toughest days and were a part of the happiest ones too.
I have been that weird mama at Target smiling at a fellow mama in the aisle ( you know the one with me with similar aged babies) and hoped that she'd start up a conversation... which I'd of course follow with do you live around here, do you stay at home??? Wanna be friends? Crazy, yes. Necessary, hell yes. Moving to the burbs was HARD and needing the connection of mamas near me with like me was hard to start over from scratch. In comes my favorite app!!

Peanut is like a tinder app for mama friends!!! Ha hilarious description but seriously. The best little app in meeting mamas with like-minded interests that are local to you. GAME CHANGED. I am sharing this app because I've used it and LOVE it. Sort of kicking myself for not thinking this one up myself guys... lol
15 Ways to Meet Mamas
1. Peanut App! the easiest way to meet mamas from the comfort of your own home!
2.Your local Library Story Time
3. Go to your local Yoga class, our favorite local one is here.
4. Too cold for your local playground? Find an indoor playground! We love Imajine That!
5. Check your church for mom groups!
6. Sign up for a class, (this doesn't have to be baby related, a cooking one, a book club, a running club!!) Or start one.
7. Social Media! Search for your local mom Facebook page, Instagram (seriously, so many moms have the opportunity to meet mamas near and far that make up a strong village".
8. Prenatal Yoga (for those lucky enough to get away and take classes, this was HUGE for me.
9. Le Leche Meetings for those of us who are or plan to breast feed!
10. Developmental baby classes, we had this place called Mama & Me in Jamaica Plain (when we lived in the city) and it was INSTRUMENTAL in surviving that first winter.
11. Stroller Strides, or any local mama workout group. This is huge, make mama friends andddd get a little or big workout in!
12. Barnes & Nobles free story and craft hour on Wednesdays and Saturdays!
13. Free birthing and parenting classes offered by your local hospital!
14. Dance classes for your littles, ours (Center of Performance Arts NA) has a baby class that we are looking forward to trying!
15. Coffee shop. head to your local coffee shop, smoothie or juice place (if you are lucky!) or even that Chipotle, always a treat to get out of the house but I am promising that if you head out in between nap times you'll bump into a few other mamas doing the same.
*** And remember, start up the conversation. A 'how old is that cutie' is a great start and then maybe a we should set up a play date, here find me on Facebook takes the awkwardness away! I can almost guarantee that that mama is thinking a way to link up too
Cheers to 2018 being the year to have more mama friends in your life! Oh and forward on this link to Peanut to friend or post on Facebook! The more mamas on this incredible app the more chances you have of making some (important to survival) mama companions because IT TAKES A VILLAGE.