(Zoe's face is hilarious!! )

Hey hey girlfriend!!!
The new year is here. Can you even believe it?
I started writing this long ass Instagram post about the insanely crappy things that happened in 2017, from loss to sickness, to my sweet babe Ami not catching a break (more on that later this month) but girl this mama looked around and saw her hubby building her toddler a fort, a baby signing for more crackers, friends text messages with jokes about being in bed by 9pm (I made it to about 10pm!!) a visit from my mama to help with the girls dinner/tiring them out before bed and thought sh*t I have NOTHING to complain about.
Life is so far from perfect, and every single year will be full of things that need to be worked on or that cold have been better (helllloooo new President please) but all in all, life is good. It is full. It is hilarious. It is messy. It is good.
2017 brought me my angel baby. This fierce little fighter, that has put life into perspective every single day. It also brought me so many other great things that I have chosen to concentrate on. And I hope that even in your muckiest days you choose to see that brighter side. No matter what it may be. Shoot DM me for a joke.
I have so much I want to say about the reboot my life has taken these last 90 days and what I am planning for the next 90. So many things I am rolling out and concentrating on that I will share this week. But for now I want to say thank YOU for being a part of what made 2017 a year to smile about, and I hope you come along for the ride of 2018 will bring.
Happy NEW year friend. Let's make it great.