Hey there Monday, how'd you come so quick?! Eeek! I am back on teacher mode over here and honestly just getting up at 5am (an hour before the girls) really helps me have time to drink coffee, work on a post and prep for the day. And as I was making a list of different things for both girls to do, I figured I'd share!
Although I have shared some tot-school resources on my blog and even some non-screen time activities but as things have changed and we will not be going back to school this year I thought it would be great to share some solid educational resources that we use every week, that both girls really enjoy.
For crafting ideas
Science Sparks (great science crafts!)
All around learning for multiple subjects.
ABC mouse for the younger kiddos has been great to keep Ami entertained/learning while I help Zoe.
I am going to continue to either update this post or share on other posts, so please share what subject or kind of resource you are looking for!
Have a great week my loves.